Fundamental Trumpet Lessons for the ComebackTrumpet Player

Regular Personal Contact with a Pro Teacher

Increase Confidence in Your Trumpet Playing Ability

Custom-made Plan for Your Growth
You have been practicing and you are still not getting any better on the trumpet.
You still miss a lot of notes
There is too much pressure on your lips
You are not able to play high notes
You have no confidence in your ability
There is a lot of tension in your throat, neck, chest, and shoulders
You straight up sound bad and you don't know how to fix it
You deserve to know how to play trumpet the simple way
Many of my students experience improvement in as few as 3 lessons
This happens because I have been teaching for nearly 20 years and have learned to help students overcome the most common problems that trumpet players experience.
Schedule Your Lesson NowMy name is Chris Davis. I will be your teacher and have been featured on . . .

Learn How to Play Trumpet the Right Way So That You Can Eventually Play Anything You Imagine
You will meet me in a video chat where I will have the chance to listen and watch you play the trumpet. Next I'll guide you through your personalized Trumpet Improvement Plan (T.I.P.) so that you will know exactly what to practice and how to practice to reach your goals on trumpet.
Schedule Your Lesson3 Simple Steps To Play Trumpet with Greater Ease

1. Schedule Your Lesson
Choose a time on the calendar that works best for you. Answer a short questionnaire about your goals so that Chris may prepare for your lesson ahead of time.

2. Show Up at the Appointed Time
Click the link sent to your email at the appointed time. Play a few notes for Chris then recieve your custom-made plan for improvement.

3. Play Trumpet with Greater Ease
Practice your custom-made plan and gradually grow confidence in your trumpet playing. You'll be ready for those church services, community performances, and holiday parties.
You'll Be Amazed at What You Can Do on the Trumpet After These Lessons
Each lesson will guide you step-by-step toward your ultimate goal.
Learn to use your body the right way
Learn how to use your body to play trumpet in a more efficient way and put your bad habits to rest.
More Simple Approach
Learn my W.E.T. Approach to trumpet playing so that you may become anchored in the fundamentals.
Receive a Personalized T.I.P.
You will leave each lesson knowing exactly what you need to practice and how to practice assigned material.
Video recordings of each lesson
Watch your lesson over and again as much as needed. A folder will be created with a recording of each lesson.
Learn to Play Trumpet with Ease
Before: Practice trumpet for many months and not getting better
After: Notice improvement after only a few lessons
Get Help With Your Challenges
And Join The Many People Who Have Found Success Improving Their Flexibility, Sound, Endurance, and Range.
Not quite ready for trumpet lessons? No worries.
Here is a gift for you to help you on your trumpet playing journey.
Download Your Free Guide - Master Endurance on Trumpet
Learn the 3 Reliable Ways To Truly Build Endurance On Trumpet
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